Lower Blepharoplasty

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What Is Lower Blepharoplasty?

Lower blepharoplasty, also known as lower eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that helps to rejuvenate the area under the eye. This procedure can often help to reduce puffiness and bags under your eyes as well as improve fine lines and wrinkles around the lower eyelids area. Lower eyelid surgery often results in significant improvement in your appearance as a whole. Many patients report looking more alert, lively, and youthful.

Lower Eyelid Surgery Overview

Lower blepharoplasty can be done under local anesthesia, IV sedation, or general anesthesia depending on your preference. Local anesthesia and mild sedation shorten the recovery period. In either case, we ensure that you are fully comfortable during every moment of your procedure.
Your lower eyelid surgery typically takes between 1-2 hours, and Dr. Williams always aims for natural results that are consistent with your unique facial features. Lower eyelid surgery can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures.

It's not the having, it's the getting.

Elizabeth Taylor

Benefits of Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower blepharoplasty may provide many benefits that our patients love, including:
  • Reduced puffiness and bags under the lower eyelids
  • Improved lower eyelid skin tone and texture
  • Reduced lower eyelid wrinkles
  • Reduced fatigued-looking appearance
  • Improved overall facial symmetry
We work closely with each patient to fully learn their goals in order to provide optimal outcomes that match their expectations. By keeping open, transparent communication with our patients as a top priority, we can help ensure you see the results you want.

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Lower Blepharoplasty Before & Afters

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Am I a Candidate for Lower Blepharoplasty?

If you want to see a lasting change to the lower eyelid area and reverse signs of aging, then you could enjoy a lower eyelid procedure. If you feel lower eyelid surgery is something that could benefit your appearance and aesthetic goals, the next step is to set up a consultation with one of our highly trained oculofacial plastic surgeons. Your surgeon will help evaluate if lower blepharoplasty in Chicago is right for you as well as discuss options to help enhance your appearance.
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After the Surgery: Recovery

After your procedure, you can return to your home the same day, but it will be time to focus on rest and recovery. Your lower eyelid surgery recovery time may range anywhere from 1-2 weeks. During this time, you should take extra care to follow all instructions provided by your surgeon and make sure that any medications are taken as prescribed. We also recommend avoiding strenuous activities for at least three weeks or until your surgeon approves it to avoid any complications. If you have any questions, you can call our office or speak to Dr. Williams during one of your follow-up visits. We are by your side for the long run and will do our part to ensure you see results that you love.

After the Surgery: Results

Some initial eyelid surgery results can be seen immediately after the procedure, but they will continue to evolve as your body heals over the weeks and months that follow. We encourage our patients to remain patient while their lower blepharoplasty results settle into their final form. You can also expect continued tightness at first, which is normal. The good news is that once you see your final results, you can enjoy them for years, especially with a healthy skincare routine and lifestyle. We also recommend avoiding excessive sun exposure, as this can quickly wear out the under-eye area.

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