
Top 5 Signs to Seek Eyelid Revision Procedure

As we age, the skin around the eyes and other areas of the face begins to droop and sag. This can result in some very undesirable physical features and aesthetic results. Below we look at the top 5 signs to seek eyelid revision procedure.

Top 5 Signs to Seek Eyelid Revision Procedure

Fortunately, many of these trends are easily counteracted with the techniques of modern medicine, and a blepharoplasty is specifically designed to impact the skin around the eyes.

Correcting the mistakes and mishaps from your initial eyelid surgery, revision surgeries have become noteworthy among both patients and doctors.

If you’re unhappy with the results of your initial blepharoplasty, then consider whether you are experiencing any of these common reasons that patients seek a revision surgery.

Correcting Initial Mishaps

The purpose of a revisional surgery is to adjust some of the outcomes of an initial eyelid surgery that didn’t go quite as planned from the get-go.

When selecting a physician for your operation, it’s extremely important to pick someone of quality and reputation. The easiest way to determine whether someone is of that caliber is to see whether they are board certified.

1. You Have Drooping Eyelids

Drooping eyelids can be very unattractive. In extreme cases, they can even start to become a somewhat serious medical concern if they begin to obstruct one’s vision.

Perhaps your initial eyelid surgery failed to tighten the skin around your eyes sufficiently. Then you might find that this problem persists.

Fortunately, eyelid revision surgery can reverse some of the sagging of this area of skin if it was not satisfactorily addressed in the initial surgery. This occurs through the tightening of the various muscles that surround this area of the face.

2. You’re Unable to Blink or Shut the Eyes

Another problem that can be addressed in revision surgery is if you’re unable to blink or shut your eyes.

This typically occurs if the initial surgery tightened the area around the eyes too much, resulting in an inability to fully shut them.

This condition, known as lagophthalmos, leaves the eyes vulnerable to dust and debris, as well as infection.

A revision eyelid surgery has the ability to correct this mishap by filling in the areas around the eyes. This returns flexibility to the affected areas.

3. Your Eyes Seems Asymmetrical

A poorly executed eye surgery can, unfortunately make the eyes appear asymmetrical.

No one has perfectly symmetrical eyes. Still, if too much skin or fat is removed from the eyelid areas during a procedure, this problem can become more pronounced.

A revision eyelid surgery has the potential to correct this problem and restore symmetry to the eyes and face.

4. Your Eyes Have a Distorted Eye Shape or Contour

This is an issue that can commonly plague lower-quality eyelid surgeries. A telltale sign is if too much of the whites of the eyes are revealed. This indicates either too much or too little skin removed during the operation.

Revision surgery can target these problem areas and restore the natural contour of the eye by filling in the areas affected by these issues.

5. You Have Some Vacant Undereyes

This issue occurs when the surgeon accidentally removes too much fat from the lower eyelids. When this occurs, it has the unfortunate effect of making the eyelids appears sunken, giving the patient a tired or vacant appearance.

Revision surgery can utilize various methods to fill in these areas, which restores the patient’s appearance and gives them a more vivacious glow.

Schedule A Consultation To Discuss Revision Surgery

If you’re interested in obtaining a revision surgery, you’ll first go in for a pre-surgical consultation with your physician.

Importantly, this is your opportunity to discuss any and all concerns and aesthetic goals you might have for your procedure.

During your consultation, you can specifically articulate to your doctor the set of aesthetic expectations you have surrounding your upcoming procedure.

You will also be able to articulate your personalized set of desires for the outcome of your procedure. Additionally, you can modify it concurrently with your physician to set your expectations for the upcoming procedure.

The higher the level of specificity, the stronger the outcome of your procedure will likely be.

Giving the Highest Quality Service Available

Chicago Oculofacial Consultants and its award-winning team of incredible doctors routinely serve the greater Chicago area with the best surgeries available delivered at reasonable rates. If interested in scheduling a consultation to discuss whether or not a would work for you, take a visit to our website for more information on why we remain the preferred specialists for oculofacial surgery.

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