
Does Male Eyelid Surgery Produce Masculine Results?

No matter who you are, you might worry about some of the biggest physical changes that can occur as you age. From wrinkles and fine lines to dark circles and drooping eyelids, there are many aspects of your facade that can change quickly over time. If you love the way you look, then you might be looking into an eyelid lift – or blepharoplasty – as a way to rejuvenate the skin around your eyes.

Does Male Eyelid Surgery Produce Masculine Results?

At Chicago Oculofacial Consultants, we offer male and female eyelid surgery options to help patients affected by injury or age. But, what is the biggest difference between these two types of procedures? Does male eyelid surgery produce masculine results for those looking to maintain a male appearance? Learn about our special and innovative male blepharoplasty options in today’s article.

About Male Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is the scientific term for eyelid surgery, describing a number of surgical eyelid treatments that treat different aesthetic ailments around the eyes. Our procedures for men can vary depending on eye shape, skin damage, and severity of creases and wrinkles on the face.

Typically, male blepharoplasty can include one or both of the following procedures:

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery targets the section of the eyelids that hangs over your eye, protecting it from dirt and debris. Over time, this very thin layer of skin is susceptible to wrinkles and sun damage. It may become more obvious over time as the wrinkling lids start to sag, causing you to look permanently tired. When left untreated for too long, drooping upper lids can also cause an obstruction in your vision. An upper blepharoplasty can bring both aesthetic and functional beauty back to your face, helping you retain a youthful masculine shape.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Also known as lower blepharoplasty, this procedure treats excess skin, puffy fat, and dark circles that have appeared just underneath the eyes. Lower lids can become discolored due to injury, age, and sun damage, so it’s important to invest in routine skincare before and after planning a blepharoplasty procedure. Oftentimes, our surgeon will recommend that you combine both upper and lower eyelid surgeries into a single treatment that can restore your good-looking male complexion.

Does a Male Blepharoplasty Create Masculine Results?

Each patient who walks through our doors is treated with a completely customized experience, and we fine-tune our blepharoplasty treatments to ensure the desired results are achieved. Our male blepharoplasty options are specifically designed to help male patients retain a masculine look by keeping eyelids squared and angular. Depending on the natural shape of your eyes, our doctors can enhance your physical looks to make you look young and confident once again.

Becoming a Candidate for Male Blepharoplasty

If you are wondering whether or not this treatment is right for you, it is easy to schedule a personal consultation with us at your earliest convenience. During your initial appointment, you will be able to discuss your eligibility for candidacy. Therefore, people who look forward to great results from their male blepharoplasty procedure are typically candidates who have:

  • Puffiness, excess fat, or drooping skin above or below the eyelids
  • Numerous wrinkles and fine lines around the eyelids
  • Drooping lids that are causing vision obstruction
  • Injury, sun damage, or signs of aging that are causing a big dip in self-esteem

Choosing surgery is a big decision, and it is understandable that there are many factors to take into consideration. Our expert team of specialists can help you determine whether or not an upper or lower (or both) male blepharoplasty is the right choice for you.

Enjoy the Permanent, Masculine Results from Your Blepharoplasty Today

For extreme rejuvenation and a revitalized masculine look, consider our specialized male blepharoplasty services available at your local Chicago oculofacial office. If you care about looking your best, but the signs of aging are preventing you from achieving your aesthetic goals, this might be just the right touch-up you need. As one of the most popular procedures for men, a male blepharoplasty can help you completely change the look and shape of your face, helping you earn masculine appeal.

If you are ready to look and feel your best, get in touch with our Chicago experts today. We will work with you to come up with a specialized plan that suits your exact needs. Male blepharoplasties are completely permanent, giving you a refreshed look that you can enjoy for years to come. Schedule your appointment today for an easy path to wellness and confidence!

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